Brand store opening @Lotte Young Plaza

  • Art Direction

  • Graphic Design

  • Event Planning

  • Visual Merchandising

  • Marketing & PR

For eyeye

Coordinated the eyeye store opening at the Lotte Young Plaza, a shopping center in Korea that is part of the Lotte Department Store, the largest department store in the country. Was involved in the planning, spatial design, and store display for the opening of their brand store. The main color of the space is a toned-down pink, and various metal materials were used to add visual interest to the columns and prevent the space from feeling overly girlish.

Designed the graphic design for a flyer and various posters and were in charge of section-specific displays for effective sales. also planned an opening event, and conducted marketing/PR events through SNS promotion.

Graphic Design

Store layout

Store display photos

Brand Store openingEffy Lee